Sunday, December 31, 2017

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

For years now I've kicked and screamed and swore I'd never use anything other than Lightroom when editing. "It takes away too much from the natural world." Yea, seriously. Now I realize how much I've been limiting myself creatively and branched out to begin learning how to use Gimp. It's amazing what's possible using free software and free Youtube tutorials! Of course, I started by working with something near and dear to me; doggos!

After wondering what I could do to satiate my newly growing skills, I decided to try out combining astrology and pets. The result was pretty darn cool! Seriously, check these out:

I branched out a little more and began using beautiful natural scenery as well. I admit I'm a little biased on the breed I chose! I mean come on, how could you not love a face like this?

Jett the rescue mutt!
Naturally, I veered towards created images in his likeness. The result was pretty neat, too!

After creating a few designs, I sought a way to share them with others. Cue Redbubble! I add my work, and they do the rest. It's a fantastic way to share designs in a variety of ways. Now my designs are available on all sorts of products from clothing to phone and tablet cases, to mugs, stickers, prints and even bed comforters! Pretty cool, eh?

Here's a link to even more work: 

As a teacher, I'm constantly looking for ways to help supplement my income, so this was a no-brainer for me. I've only just started creating and growing the designs, so breed requests are highly encouraged! If you choose to support I cannot thank you enough! 

Gimp Download Link

If you're interested in the product, I'll save you a step by providing the link here!

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